How to Name Your Wedding Invitation Business

Even though you're probably going to be working from home, it's a good idea to start off by choosing a name for your business. Whether you decide to be a manufacturer's agent or create bespoke, you're going to be dealing with other business people. And having a name for your business will make you look much more professional to your clients, as well.

You don't have to decide immediately. In fact, it's better to think about it for awhile. It's very difficult to change a business name at a later date, especially if you've gotten a lot of name recognition. So you want to be sure that, whatever name you chose, you're going to be able to live with it for a very long time.

Of course, the easiest way to chose a name is to use your own name. Michelle's Wedding Invitations or Wedding Invitations By Michelle.

It's also best to use words that will let people know, at a glance, what it is you sell. If you only said Michelle's Stationery, then people might not realize that you do Wedding Invitations.

One young woman I know started out in the business as Cheryl's Wedding Invitations and then added And Wedding Stationery to compliment the invitations. As her business picked up, she found herself having to hire some help. And since she had this extra help, she also decided to add in Bridal Shower and Baby Shower Invitations. Her business name now is, Cheryl's Wedding Invitations and Stationery For All Occasions.

If you can envision this same scenario for YOUR Wedding Invitation Business, you could start off by naming your business Michelle's Wedding Invitations, and then, as your business grows, you can tack on And Stationery, or And Baby Showers, too, etc.

Maybe you don't want to use your name. Maybe you'd like to give your business a little more definition. Handcrafted Wedding Invitations, or Invitations With A Flair.

Try not to limit your business with your name too much, though. If you name your business Country Wedding Invitations by Michelle, then someone who's looking for an art deco style invitation may not contact you.

If you're planning to set up a website in the future, which you really should do, then try to get the words Wedding Invitations into your business name. This will help people be able to more easily find your website.